
This month's highs and lows

Temperature and humidity
Highest Temperature20,3 °Ca las 15:13 el 4 January
Lowest Temperature-4,0 °Ca las 8:25 el 6 January
Highest Minimum1,7 °CEl 4 January
Lowest Maximum10,3 °CEl 6 January
Highest Apparent Temperature19,0 °Ca las 15:01 el 4 January
Lowest Apparent Temperature-9,8 °Ca las 8:25 el 6 January
Highest Heat Index20,3 °Ca las 15:13 el 4 January
Lowest Wind Chill Temperature-9,6 °Ca las 8:25 el 6 January
Highest Dew Point9,9 °Ca las 13:55 el 4 January
Lowest Dew Point-5,9 °Ca las 16:44 el 5 January
Highest Humidity96%a las 7:56 el 4 January
Lowest Humidity28%a las 15:41 el 5 January
Largest Daily Range18,6 °CEl 4 January
Smallest Daily Range13,8 °CEl 5 January
Total rainfall so far1,2 mm 
Highest Rain Rate0,0 mm/hra las 0:00 el 1 January
Highest Hourly Rainfall0,3 mma las 16:44 el 4 January
Highest Daily Rainfall0,5 mmEl 4 January
Longest Dry Period1 Daya 6 January
Longest Wet Period7 Daya 5 January
Highest Wind Gust37 km/ha las 11:35 el 5 January
Highest Wind Speed 10-minute Average32 km/ha las 11:43 el 5 January
Highest Daily Wind Run173,4 km06 enero
Pressure (sea level)
Lowest Pressure1006,44 hPaa las 1:13 el 5 January
Highest Pressure1031,67 hPaa las 10:27 el 2 January

Page updated : 07/01/2022 9:40:00
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